Heyy Sis!

I want to see you living the life of your dreams too.

Hi, I’m Morgan and I want to guide you and cheer you on as you map out your best life and the path to creating it. Why should you listen to me? Because I turned choices like a brief stint in law school, TWO cross country moves, a longer stint as a nanny and night nurse and a burning desire to own my own event firm into:

  • A  thriving night nurse business with a dream investor

  • A seriously amazing event business with several subsidiaries 

  • Love and romance, friendships, real estate, zero credit card debt, and travel

I got clear on my goals and year after year manifested each and every one of them and I know life is only going to get better from here!


About the Founder

Morgan Kelley

I’m Morgan and I want to guide you and cheer you on as you map out your best life and the path to creating it. Why should you listen to me?

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