Welcome to the Baddie Society

Elevate your life with our Manifestation Workbook- a powerful tool designed to kickstart the journey towards the life you truly deserve.

Manifestation Workbook

"Ready to slay your dream life? This guided workbook is your new BFF. It's like your favorite hype girl in book form.

So, let's get this glow-up started – your dream life is just around the corner.

My Baddie Journey

  • I thought I wanted to be the next Olivia Pope and went to law school in California. I found out real quick that my life’s calling is not to be a lawyer, but I spent two years miserable, learning about torts, and all kinds of things that brought me no joy.

  • I moved in with my mother in North Carolina. Y’all already know… I started my event planning firm. They weren’t amazing events - heck, I wasn’t getting paid for a lot of them but, sis, we all have to start somewhere.

  • I moved to Atlanta. I’m a nanny and getting my foot in the door with my event business. Nannying is…tough. And it’s not the babies that make the job so hard. IYKYK.

  • I decided to get a corporate job in the event industry. It isn’t the best fit for me, but it’s something. I’m still hustling. I’m still working on the event business. The corporate world is tricky and having a boss and co-workers is something that I find extremely annoying. lol I’m starting to think there has to be a better way to make my dreams come true.

  • We all know how 2020 went. I was laid off from my corporate job (literally the best thing that could've ever happened to me). I’m a night nanny. And I’ve discovered manifesting. I write down every single thing that I want; even the things that feel too crazy, too big, too impossible.

  • I buy a house. I got a $10k grant for my event business. I met an investor and went from employee to CEO of a night nurse business. I did featured content with Alibaba. I traveled. I did my first celebrity event. I tripled my income. I reached my body goals. Everything I manifested, I got. You can too! This is the exact method I used to make all my dreams come true.

  • Things really took off with both businesses, and it was awesome! We teamed up with some awesome local brands, which totally amped up our growth. This meant I got to work way less and play a lot more. I traveled, went to the spa, treated myself to the theater and afternoon tea, went on some truly amazing dates, and just had an absolute blast.

  • Man, 2023 was a year of major moves! We expanded our team of night nurses big time and added an assistant to the mix (talk about a game-changer).

    On a personal note, I made it a priority to hang out more with my family and friends, which did wonders for my spirit.

    I also smashed my fitness goals and switched up my look completely. I lost 60 lbs! I rounded out the year by giving my wardrobe that much-needed overhaul. I solidified my color palette and made sure everything was sophisticated, classic, and refined. I can absolutely tell the difference.

  • Here’s to manifesting wedding bells and maybe even planning for a bun in the oven in 2025! I’m ready for whatever 2024 has to offer.

What does your dream life look like?